Monday, March 29, 2010

Freaky Deaky Phenomenom

It's on a daily basis, no an hourly basis that Lily blows my mind! Recently her toddler hood is shining through and I'm not sure what to think of it. It is amazing how God creates time which enables us to ever so softly dip our toes into the challenges of our children. I think their true colors are revealed at a young age, and, as parents, it is our job to mold them correctly with the gifts they are given. I recall the gifts God has given to Lily....
1. She is beautiful! (who wouldn't say that about their kid)
2. She is vocal.
3. She is strong willed and physically strong.
4. Independent.
5. She is vocal.
6. She is vocal.

Literally, 'she is vocal' is the most pivotal gift, at the moment, that I can focus on. I can single handily relate to this gift :)

I speak today on behalf of Lily, because if she could literally tell me what is going on in her head right now I believe she would say the following...but I am sure not limited to....
"My teeth, my mouth, my gums freakin' hurt, Mom and Dad. The pain wakes me up at night (which is why I cry) and I would like you to hold me over it. Sometimes my pacifier works, but I lose it in the middle of the night so therefore, I cry again. Please find me my paci, and my love bun, sing to me, rock me then lay me back in my crib..."


"You are fools for picking me up out of my crib and taking me into bed with you. I now have enjoyed your company while I sleep which isn't half bad.
During the day these things also come to mind...(Lily still talking)
I love Baby Einstein videos, please get me a new one because I am sick of watching the same ones even though you think I am still entertained. I also enjoy Blues Clues, but I heard you say it isn't on much during the day, so while you are buying new Einsteins, get some Blues Clues

I love playgrounds and walks, and dirt and stairs, and taking baths. Oh, and it feels good to poop in the bath with the warm water all around, that's why I do it, DUH!
Blueberries and blackberries are still my favorite food so please keep buying them. I don't really like veggies right now, but I will appease you if prepared correctly.
When I see airplanes and birds I get so excited, hence why I scream real loud and point to the sky.

Mom, (Lily STILLLLLL talking, I told you she was vocal)

Sometimes I hate getting back into my car seat. I am telling you this when I cry, throw my head and body back, then use all my strength to resist you buckling me in.
I love our cat, Zoe! When I am bigger, I am going to dress her up like a princess with a big pink boa and call her mine. I wish I could eat her cat food all the time, its so salty and yummy! Their water dispenser is pretty cool too, that's why I splash in it and make a mess in the kitchen, sorry!

Oh, and thanks for putting the iPod player at my reach so I can change the music whenever I want, I'm not encouraging you to move it, but until you do, I will disobey you and continue touching it, I feel very accomplished when the music changes at my command.

You make me laugh when you tickle my legs and belly! I like when you sing to me and when we dance around the kitchen.
I like to help and unload the dishwasher with you.

My day is complete when Dad gets home and I get to kiss and hug him. I then know I can finally go to sleep, so thanks for listening to me in that aspect.

Oh, and, I like trashcans...."

I finally interrupt, but it's quite clear she could go on and on and on!

My point, which I would have preferred getting to within the first sentence of this post, but have also enjoyed breaking down the mind of my toddler.
The miracle of life is one freaky deaky phenomenon.

As I find out many of my great friends are going to have babies of their own, I am so excited for them! Right now, their reality is that a baby is growing inside of them. It's amazing, it's glorious and special. I remember that feeling and can't wait for that feeling again, but right now my reality is that baby who was once inside me is now a tiny human who is growing before my very eyes. What a blessing! This step of life is something I wish that no one would have to skip!
The most amazing part of this blog post is the change in attitude and perspecitve I took before posting it. When thinking of it in my head 10 minutes prior to typing, I thought about how I could rant about Lily teething right now, and how it is keeping us up at night. She is a terror who gets into everything, she's so vocal, and strong willed that I don't know what to do with myself. Now, I end this post only feeling grateful for Lily and her special gift, her loud mouth. It just takes a few minutes to reflect and your perspective can change, and I even believe this holds true in all aspects of life!

I have been meaning to share this quote which Mike and I found, quite randomly, in our Ashburn Farm Newsletter a while back. But it struck us both the night we read it, and the most profoud part about it is that a little boy said it to his father...

"Time must be the most valuble thing you have, because it's the only thing you can't buy more of....'

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You left off social! Lily is sooo social and makes friends wherever she goes. She is so outgoing and not scared to go up to anyone. I love it :) great post!


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