Thursday, June 18, 2009

Baby or Giant

To me, Lily is a tiny precious little baby...but after recent visits with two newborn babies, the insanity of her growth over 6 mos is amazing! This seems to be a common theme of blog entries, but I am in complete awe!

Our recent visits were to two of the worlds newest babies :) Last Friday, we visited with Allison and Kenley. Kenley was a doll! She was nice enough to let Lily squirm around on her play mat and get a good swing in. And in true Lauren/Allison fashion, the baby girls tagged along for a shopping trip to Fair Oaks Mall. Kenley

Today, we visited with Cousin Savannah and Cousin Connor. Savannah, 1 year older than Lily enjoyed pouring water over Lily's face. Lily is a big fan of the pool/water/bath so she didn't mind at all. Connor, merely 3 days old, laid in the sun while the girls splashed around. He had doctors orders to get some sunlight due to being a bit jaundice.

These photos exemplify the largeness of Lily in comparison to newborns :)

Here, Kenely, is 3 weeks old, weighing in about 10-11 lbs. For such a young baby she fills out the car seat quite well....

Here, Lily, 6 months old 17 lbs, also fills the car seat out quite well!

Side-by-side in the same car seat, only 5 mos apart, Lily is a Giant.

It gets even better.......

Connor is 3 days old, weighing the same Lily did when she was born...Lily is a monster, a pale white monster, but most importantly, my baby monster!

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