Wednesday, February 25, 2009


FAT TUESDAY...A day I would have thoroughly enjoyed in my college years. It would have probably consisted of a day of drinking or at least a night at Rileys (the local Radford Bar). In fact, with when college spring breaks fall, Mardi Gras may have been spent in true form when I was on the beaches of Jamacia or a martini bar in Tampa.

These pictures are called to mind. It is only those who knew me in years who would appreciate such debacle. Some mighty fine times I might add!

This year, as a new Mom, I indulged in food and red meat and actually prepared myself for the upcoming Lenten Season. At this point in my life I have gained appreciation for the faith I have and really took things to heart. Instead of the bar, Mike and I went to Red Robin for dinner. It was the never ending basket of steak fries, the huge burger and delicious milk shake that really got us 'wasted' this year ;)

I also spent the day with much anticipation of Lily's pediatrician appointment. She was to have her first round of vaccines..ouwie! Although I KNOW Lily will not remember this day, even if her life depended on it, I still found myself being 'that Mom' who was anxious for her poor baby to be hurt :( I wanted to make sure she felt the least amount of pain and I was given a few hints. After three small stabs in her two chunky legs, and a cry that I had never heard before, I immediately fed her and held her close to calm her tears. IT WORKED! And thank goodness she didn't get a fever and she wasn't even fussy the rest of the night! I still had my happy little baby and my worries were gone.

Documents of our day.....

12 lbs 14 oz

23 1/4 inches

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