Friday, December 11, 2009

why i started in the first place

So my motive in starting my blog all began with Lily....

This silly, vibrant, loud, stubborn, joyous baby has changed my life, and I was looking forward to sharing my experiences with the world about her development. Well it seems as though I have sidetracked a bit and talked mostly of my life and not hers. I wanted to do a bit of catching up....

December is Lily's birthday month. I have found myself reflecting on this time of year from 2008 and how much has changed since then. I remember my feelings of anticipation in being a Mother, my appreciation for time alone with Mike, and over all excited for the season. I feel so blessed for my memory of last year, it makes my heart skip a beat. How wonderful it has been, this year, to experience a whole new set of feelings this season. I now have feelings of anticipation for Lily's first birthday party, her first celebration of Christmas, still my appreciation for time alone with Mike, nervous for family gatherings, have I prepared myself for the true meaning of this season, etc.... With this month quickly passing by Lily is impressing me with a new attitude, increased mobility, new words, and new tricks.

Lily has 4 teeth, two up top, two on bottom. Mike and I have both agreed that she may have the infamous gap up top, but will wait to see after they all come in. With those teeth Lily will eat ANYTHING! In fact, baby food is almost a past time of hers. She definitely prefers to feed herself, and by doing that mealtime is normally quite messy resulting in a bath or a thorough rinse by the sink. She enjoys lunch meat, cheese, chicken, pasta, LOVES tomato soup, blueberries, blackberries (sooo messy), really the list could go on! She drinks out of a sippy cup, milk, water, or juice, and fortunately with me nursing, she never had to take a bottle which she is not attached to. She has almost completely weaned herself, except for nigh time or morning. (This I am very thankful for, although I know I will miss the special bonding time together!)

Her attitude is something like a teenagers, and boy do I have a lot to look forward to. I notice small tantrums, mostly when she gets frustrated, but the biggest thing we have to work on is the meaning of "no". I'm not quite sure when it clicks in their head what it means, or maybe she is simply ignoring me. I find myself having to take a step back when she hits me, screams, and throws her body limp when trying to change her diaper. I, too, get frustrated with her, but as a one year old she has no other way to communicate with me. Contrary to any other situation in my life, I have myself very patient. It comes easy with her, and I only wish I could apply it elsewhere.

She crawls like a maniac, maneuvering herself behind the couch, in between the side tables, under the tables, and up and down the stairs! Stairs, like most other babies, are some of her favorite activities. If left alone I am almost certain I would find her climbing up and down the stairs all day. When I am in the computer room, she often crawls around my feet and picks things off the ground, or the tables, crawls to the stairs, throws it down then goes and retrieves it. Stairs serve as her own personal jungle gym but I am careful to watch her every move. Lily is actually very good about turning herself to her stomach to go down, but I know it will take one time and down she'll go. I am both anxious and excited for her start walking. She enjoys pushing her little car, and walking around the coffee table, but yet to take her first step.
Of course talking is one of the last to come in full. Her tiny voice is one worlds most precious sounds. She knows 'da da' and who he is. 'Ma ma' is something we are still working on, although Mike and I have noticed that when she does get upset she yells something like 'na na' so we might be onto something. She points to dogs and says 'Daaawgh' (not so good on the 'g' sound but we know what she says). She sometimes roars like a lion, ooo ooos like a dog(her whuff), and still when prompted to say 'I love you' she says in a very high pitched voice 'Eyyyyyyye'. Her vocab also includes other various mumbo jumbo that I just enjoy listening to and will one day be able to understand completely.

Her two new tricks are peek-a-boo (which she does on her own with hands to her eyes) and making an indian sound with her hand to her mouth. Both very cute, and she is very proud of herself for finding them both all on her own.

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