Thursday, July 7, 2011

Pediatric Update

It's that time again folks! Although there was a recent post about Molly being 6 months, I had yet to visit the pediatrician for her official check up. So shoot me, 2 posts about Molly in 2 weeks....I'm on a roooollll! (oh and so is Molly)

Weight: 15 lbs 14 oz. only the 25-50%ile

Length: 26 in. 50-75%ile

Head Circumfrance: 17 in. 50-75%il
give me that paci

got it, all. on. my. own!

now I'm coming for you!

(again, insert picture of Lily because she is super cute while baking bread on a Thursday morning)

Now Molly is no Lily when it comes to weight and height comparison, but that doesn't mean she doesn't like to eat!!!!!!

Yay! High chair means food.......
"Ok, sure, Mom, I will snack on some mum mums while you make my food..."

"Not cool, Mom, tempting me with food so you can get a reaction for your blog??? Feed ME! Much better!!!"

Don't mind if I do!

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